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All species of sea turtles in the waters of Indonesia have been protected by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia based on the No. 5 of 1990 on the Conservation of Natural Resources and Ecosystems Act. Where it is illegal to catch, injure, possess, store, transfer or trade in protected species of animals either alive or dead. Violation of this policy is punishable by a maximum of 5 years imprisonment and maximum fine of 100 millions rupiah.
International protection is provided by the CITES convention (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna).

What you can do to protect the sea turtles;

  • Do not buy turtles products (meat, eggs, carapace/shell, etc)
  • Dispose waste in proper places. Do not throw away plastic bags, fishing lines and other debris at the beach or into the sea.
  • Follow the provisions of existing laws if you see a turtle laying eggs or hatchlings moving into the sea.
  • Support local institutions or organizations working to protect sea turtles and their habitats.

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